Sunday, December 19, 2010

eco-psychology: how and why LOVE is more important than LOGIC

 recommended book to read....
Here are some Quotes and parphrases from The Secret Teachings of Plants by Stephen Herrod Buhner
 2004 bear and Company, Rochester Vermont

 Somewhere earlier in the book it is established that the heart has the same type of neurons as does the brain and that the heart thinks much like we are taught that the brain does.

 page 83
 "Analysis of information flow into the human body has shown that much of it impacts the heart first, flowing to the brain only after it has been perceived by the heart. What this means is that our experience of the world is rooted first through our heart which thinks about the experience and sends the data to the brain for further processing. When the heart receives information back from the brain about how to respond, the heart analyzes it and decides whether or not the actions the brain wants to take will be effective. The heart routinely engages in a neural dialogue with the brain and in essence the to decide together what actions to take.
page 86
 "Measured with magnetic field meters, the electromagnetic field the heart produces is 5000 times more powerful than that created by the brain. The most sensitive electronic devices human beings know how to make detect the heart's electromagnetic field up to 10 feet from the body. However we do not know how far it actually travels"

clark- So in some ways the heart thinking capabilities is more powerful than the brain. Maybe this is why love is more powerful than the pen.

page 93
"The body contains a great many biological oscillators, These are internal energy fields.  The three most powerful are the heart the gastrointestinal tract and the brain."

clark- Within our society is commonly accepted that we think 1) with our heads by  Language and logic 2) with our gut as an instinctual feeling and with our 3) hearts by following emotions. yet through routinely dismiss and ignore information from our hearts and are encouraged to only follow information that can be understood by a language and logic. We routinely make fun of and are skeptical of the love struck or passionate when they try to follow their feelings and emotions.

 page 94
"If we direct our consciousness outside ourselves and pay attention to the biological oscillators within counter there  We can also become aware of the emotions generated by our encounters with external electromagnetic fields. when the fluctuating electromagnetic field of our heart touches another electromagnetic field, whether from a person rock or plant, we feel a range of emotional impresstions that is our experience of information encoded within those organisms electromagnetic field and the alterations that have occurred in our field. This is in fact the source of deep feelings that come from our immersion in wild landscapes like the grand canyon for instance."

 Page 95
"Because we are trained to ignore this particular kind of sensory cues and the information that they contain, most people do not consciously utilize the heart as an organ of perception. Most of the information received is this process below conscious levels of cognition. Still because the heart is such an essential organ...... the hearts power as an organ of perception cannot be completely erased."

 page 97
"The intention to note and detect external stimuli result in the slowing of the heart you can get a sense of this dynamic by sitting comfortably in looking at something that attracts your attention. Just let yourself look at it a moment noticing its shapes and colors. Then let yourself notice how it feels to you. At that exact instant your entire physiological functioning will alter in a very noticeable manner. (But for it to happen you have to pay attention to the thing you're focused on not the alteration you're experiencing.)"

clark- seems to me this describes  the methodology in our nature connect activities.

This shift in focus of awareness from thinking to external sensory perception, significantly modifies and slows the duration of the cardiac cycle producing a transformational cascade that affects all physiological and cognitive functioning. Simple attention to these external stimuli is sufficient. There need be no physical activity in response. Unlike linear mental functioning such as that required for mathematical copulations there is no acceleration of the heartbeat when focused on external stimuli.

 Page 98 
"Mental activities cause an almost immediate cessation of these physiological dynamics, with concomitant increases in heart rate and pupillary constriction. Any internal manipulation of symbolic information results in cardiac acceleration, and increase in sympathetic nervous system activity, and pupil constriction. So too, does any verbalization, or any required to store, manipulate, and retrieve symbolic information."

 page 99
" Linear thinking breaks the state [ the state is called a state of coherence] the heart's rhythmic beat [produces the coherence] and influences the brain processes that control emotions, cognitive functions, and the autonomic nervous system. Coherence is the harmonious corroboration and order among subsystems of a larger system."

clark- This correlates nicely with Project NatureConnect's (eco-psychology) explanation that we must shift out of our [FROM] new brain which processes language, logic and symbols [INTO] to using our senses and old brain connections to produce health and healing and wholeness. [ Summary: from head to heart,  from symbols to senses, from logic to love ]

 page 99
" In deepening this shift to coherence, most heart researchers emphasize a focus on personal emotional state as well as detection of external stimuli. Many asked that he participant to intentionally generate the emotions of caring and affection"

 page 100 
"Heart coherence begins when the location of consciousness is shifted from the brain to the heart, either through focus on the heart itself or on external sensory cues and how they feel."

 Page 100
"The heart is a tightly interconnected part of an oscillating nonlinear neural network that is always producing electromagnetic waves within which information is encoded. During coherence these interconnected networks couple with one another and begin working as one synchronized system.
 When linear systems lock are coupled together the resultant patterns represent a mixture of two systems. But when nonlinear systems like the biological oscillators in our bodies synchronized to a common frequency the combined system  revolves around a single oscillation."

clark- This is helping us produce a physical experience of oneness or "us-ness" that helps us understand the intellectual explanation that we are all one which others from monks and Eastern religious texts and even Henry David Thoreau have tried to get us to feel, understand and acknowledge.

Page 100-5
 When a person begins focusing on heart and immerse themselves in the perceptions of its functioning, coherence begins. Heart rhythms begin to take on a smooth sinewave like pattern, all of the heart's electromagnetic frequencies start to synchronize.
When we focus in the brain the result is much less coherent, because we seem designed to let the heart, the most powerful oscillator, be the primary system to which to others entrain.
As the heart becomes more coherent, respiration, somatomotor systems, and cortical activity begin to entrained to the coherent heart rhythms.  The three branches of the autonomic nervous system: sympathetic, parasympathetic, and Enteric (G.I. tract) also synchronize.
The Chinese practice of Chi gong focuses on the gastrointestinal intestinal tract as the primary locus of consciousness, the GI Tract has it's own extensive elegant and separate nervous system other practices such as heart math training focus on the heart also generates coherence.  Wide ranging physiological impacts begin at the moment of coherence.
And now the overall physiological functioning begins to be dominated by the parasympathetic rather than the sympathetic (which is the fight or flight.)
Sympathetic tone decreases and the body relaxes. There is a fundamental reorganization of autonomic balance. As coherence begins and deepens the entire hormonal cascade of the body alters. It is marked by the heart making and releasing significantly different amounts of the hormones and neurochemicals.
As one example at coherence, there is an average of a 23% reduction in cortisol production, cortisol is a stress hormone with negative impacts on immune function, memory, glucose utilization and hippocampal functions. There is a 100% increase, and DHEA production, which is an adrenal hormone essential in tissue repair ,insulin sensitivity, and general sense of well-being.
Also during heart coherence ANF a heart peptide causes alterations which readjust the complex, interconnected physiology; blood pressure lowers, muscle cells relax, eye function alters causing peripheral vision to be enhanced.
This and several other peptide changes enhance the hippocampus functioning and increase the dopamine production in the heart which improves the transfer of information from Neuron to neuron in both the heart and brain.

Clark-  now here's the good part one to read the next three sentences go back up and reread the information about coherence and synchronization that the heart starts.

When the brain entrains to the heart connectivity increases between the brain and the body. Conversely the location of the consciousness in the brain leads to increased "disconnection" between the brain and the body. When one shifts into heart oriented cognition mental dialogue is reduced.
Clark- Is this eco-psychology or what?

The practitioners of these heart focused techniques report an increase in intutive awareness and more efficient decision-making capability that is beyond their normal capacity from the brain and mind alone. Shifting the focus of consciousness to the heart and away from the forebrain results in an entrainment of a large population of cells in the forebrain to cardiac functioning. This population of forebrain cells begins oscillating to the rhythms produced by the heart and the perception of those population of cells and the kind of information and begin to process during entrainment is very different time from what they process with entrainment is not occurring.

Analysis of EEG readings shows that heart signals are the strongest in the occipital or posterior region [Again eco-psych. OLD BRAIN] of the brain and the right anterior front section of the brain.

Synchronization for concurrence does not occur spontaneously unless people practice heart focused perception. Since we have been trained to the analytical mode of thinking by schooling and taught to locate our consciousness in the brain. This type of entrainment must be consciously practiced.  [This seems like the basic approach of the psychology.]

Practice in entrainment helps to bring the brain and any other system to maintain the synchronization for longer and longer periods of time.

Page 107
Increased heart coherence boosts the body production of immunoglobulin A, a naturally occurring compounds that protects the bodies mucous membranes and helps prevent infections. Also, there are improvements and disorders such as arrhythmiamitral valve prolapsecongested heart failureasthma,diabetes, fatigue, and autoimmune conditions, Also exhaustion, anxiety, depression, Aids and  post dramatic stress disorder. .In general many diseases, and overall healing speed improve). One study found that high blood pressure can be significant Lowered in six months without the use of medication. If heart coherence is reestablish.
Lack of cognitive focus on the body in other words hibituation to the verbal, intellectual, analytical cognition mode results in the disconnection and increased disorder in organ function and is the foundation of many diseases including heart disease. When attention is focused on different sensory cues physiological function shifts significantly and becomes more healthy. It is even more healthy when specific kinds of emotions are activated; feelings of caring, love and appreciation. The more confused, angry or frustrated person becomes the more incoherent heart's electromagnetic field.

Clark- What can I say but  as I see it, science is beginning to catch up with eco-psychology's Project NatureConnect theory.

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