Monday, October 18, 2010

Anecdotal Evidence is used by doctors


 On the other hand, the FDA certainly has a bias in favor of pharmaceutical drugs. They let pharmaceutical companies get away with murder…literally. And in one of my "favorite" policies, they allow doctors to make health claims for drugs that have never been tested or approved by anyone -- based entirely on anecdotal evidence. And we're not talking about hundreds of years, or even decades of anecdotal evidence involving millions of users as can be found with many traditional remedies. We're talking about anecdotal evidence experienced by as few as one or two doctors over a few weeks. It's called off-label usage, and the standards are getting looser all the time! One doctor observes what they see as a beneficial side effect of a drug; they write it up; and instantly every doctor in the country can now prescribe the drug for that benefit -- without ever testing its efficacy or safety for that use! What alternative health companies wouldn't give for that privilege!

connect with nature, laugh often, love much,

Clark Mumaw

513-593-3057 (cell) NEW

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